jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Cronopios and Famas by Julio Cortazar

Hi english Bloggers, my favorite book (between others) is the Cronopios and Famas History´s, by the great argentinian written  Julio Cortazar.

In the book, find an story´s  relative to the habit and fantastic situation´s the cronopios and famas.
in the story´s, the cronopios is a drawing out to the limit, a poem without a rhime.
Cortazar, miss give to the specific characteristic fisical to the Cronopios, he describe they like a "green a wet being". the account describe the personality, habit and artist inclination. In general, the cronopios being naive, idealist, desorganized, sensitive and not mush conventional; in contrast whit the Famas, being organized, severe an prejudiced, and the Hope´s, simples, indiferrent and boring.

I recommended The Cronopios and Famas history´s, for be more hummans.
