jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Cronopios and Famas by Julio Cortazar

Hi english Bloggers, my favorite book (between others) is the Cronopios and Famas History´s, by the great argentinian written  Julio Cortazar.

In the book, find an story´s  relative to the habit and fantastic situation´s the cronopios and famas.
in the story´s, the cronopios is a drawing out to the limit, a poem without a rhime.
Cortazar, miss give to the specific characteristic fisical to the Cronopios, he describe they like a "green a wet being". the account describe the personality, habit and artist inclination. In general, the cronopios being naive, idealist, desorganized, sensitive and not mush conventional; in contrast whit the Famas, being organized, severe an prejudiced, and the Hope´s, simples, indiferrent and boring.

I recommended The Cronopios and Famas history´s, for be more hummans.


jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Doctor Caligari attack!!

Hi class!, Welcome to my blogg, I talking about my favorites websites.
My favorite website be related whit the films.
Today talking about the  Das Kabinet des Dr. Caligari  or The Dr. Caligari Cabinet´.
It the mute film, realize in the 1920 for Robert Wiene. The Caligari cabinet´is the very important film in the history cinema because shake up the visualization, influenced directly for the aleman expresionist.
Other film like Nosferatu (Later Dracula) and Metropolis, be inspired in Caligari, in the expresionist lighting and scene, innovator in the terror films.

hope liked, and can watch the film, in the night and alone!! juajua-jua! it´s good.
